Sunday , December 22 2024



I affirm the Lord is my Shepherd; I will never lack any good thing. I walk in the light of my prosperity today, for I am the seed of Abraham; I have access to wealth untold, therefore I am supply-conscious! Lack and want are not a part of my life because I am plugged to God’s unending supply system. With my spirit, I lay hold of eternal life and the blessings that salvation in

Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of your blessings, because I’ve laid possession with my spirit. I have absolute faith in God and His unfailing and eternal Word! No contrary wind, circumstances or situations that I may face can dissipate my confidence in the Word of God to me! Through the power of God’s Word, my faith prevails today. I take after Jesus

because I am born of His Word. As I study and meditate on His Word, I become like Him more and more. I do the same things He does and gets His kind of results every day. My life only goes in the direction of the Son of God. Therefore, I’ll never fail in life; I can only be a marvel and an outstanding success, just like Jesus. Blessed be God. Hallelujah!


• Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

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One comment

  1. I would like to ask of someone can get the affirmation of the whole month like the rhapsody or you can also help us to get the affirmation train for the year 2018,2017 ?

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