I affirm that the Word of God is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, to guide me in the way that I should go. Therefore, I will never walk in confusion, I will never stumble, and I will never fall. As I meditate and affirm the Word, I am metamorphosed into the glory that I behold therein. Hallelujah! The true light shines in my heart. God’s Word is food to my spirit; it produces health in me, making me vibrant and productive today, and evermore. My faith in the finished works of Christ is my power to change my world, and frame the circumstances of life to conform to God’s destiny for my life! I am not a victim in this world, for I possess the power to determine the course of my life according to the Word of God. The Word of God has given me a destiny and a purpose for living; I live every day to fulfil God’s dream for my life. Glory to God! -VIDEOS-
(SPECIAL GIFT 🎁 http://bit.ly/2dZqtLQ )
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God bless you.
I live everyday to fulfill God dream for my life. i am not a victim in this world for i walk in the path of light. God word is alive in me. glory hallelujah.