Site icon Affirmation Train


I affirm that my whole being is full of divine light. I walk each day, in the light of my justification, rejoicing in the life of glory and righteousness in Christ! Having been justified by faith, I have peace with God, absolved of all guilt, free to live and serve the Lord joyfully, and gloriously, hallelujah! I am a new creation in Christ, born into the glory of God. I am in Christ, and He is my salvation and defence. I dwell in safety, and I am shielded from the insecurity, economic trouble, disappointment, poverty, anger, frustration and discomfort in this world. I am seated together with Christ in the heavenly, far above all principalities and powers. Glory to God!

👉 Special gift
Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it!! Remember, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love to talk shall eat the fruit thereof. Get talking today! 

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• Kingschat: Affirmation train 

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• Instagram: affirmation_train


God bless you.

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