Site icon Affirmation Train


I affirm that I am a walking in the supernatural and my life is characterized with results. There’s no emergency or accident in my path because my path is paved by the Spirit of God. I am in fellowship and oneness with the Father and He has imparted into my spirit His life and nature! This gives me the ability to think, act, and live as the effulgence of His glory and His perfect representation here on earth. Hallelujah! Christ is formed in me, and as I stay my mind continually on the Word, the supernatural becomes my daily experience. I am an offspring of the Word; therefore, I choose not to be distracted but give myself wholly to the Word. In the Name of Jesus, I am set on the course in which I must follow; thus, victory, peace, success, prosperity, accuracy, joy, divine health and all that the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ had consummated are evident in my life. Glory to God. Hallelujah!  -SEE VIDEOS-


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God bless you.


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