I affirm that the Word of God has given my life a meaning; therefore I am impacting the lives of those around me positively. I am living a meaningful life, pleasing to God and beneficial to humankind. I am more than a speck in the dust; I am a seed of Abraham, I am blessed and the world is blessed because of me! Everywhere I go, a great door of opportunity is opened unto me to be a blessing to my world and the regions beyond. By God’s Spirit, and through His wisdom, I identify and carry out those things He has ordained me to do that will better my world, and bring glory to His Name. Daily, I am supernaturally enabled to carry out my assignment as a minister of reconciliation. My faith in the Father, and in His Word is my power to change my world, and frame the circumstances of life to conform to His destiny for my life! I am not a victim in this world, for I possess the power to determine the course of my life according to the Word of God. The Father has given me a purpose and a destiny; I live every day to fulfil His dream for my life. Glory to God! -SEE VIDEOS-
A. http://bit.ly/2dZqtLQ – Free ROR
B. https://wp.me/p9v28c-VO – Kinging
C. https://wp.me/p9v28c-Tn – I’m Special
D. https://wp.me/p9v28c-Us – You Reign
E. https://wp.me/p9v28c-Ve – No Other God
You can now reach us on:
• Info@affirmation-train.org
• www.affirmation-train.org
God bless you.
Glory to God
Hallelujah, I am blessed, I’ve burnt my bridges and there’s no turning back, my mind is set on God to fulfil my purpose here on earth in Jesus name.
And so shall it be in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.