I affirm that the wisdom of God is at work in me, guiding me and showing me the way to go. Christ has been made wisdom unto me; therefore, I conduct all my affairs with prudence and discretion. I have insight into mysteries and secrets, and hidden things are revealed unto me by the Spirit of wisdom! I am a person of influence, and I am affecting lives with the Gospel. Everywhere I go, the glory of God is revealed and manifested through me, for I am not just a carrier of God’s glory, but His glory personified! I am an heir of God, I walk with the consciousness that the Father has given me the right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and exercise dominion over satan. I am in Christ, I can never be disadvantaged because the Father has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness. I’m a custodian of divine verities, therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion, and excellence today and always. Blessed be God. Hallelujah!
• Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
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