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Tags #Declaration #Dominion #Boldness #Glory #Victory #AFFIRMATIONTRAIN #YEAROFTHESUPERNATURAL
THE SECRET OF CONTENTMENT – BILLY GRAHAM I pray that you will begin to understand …
The affirmation is such a powerful everyday tool to living in absolute glory. Thank you Pastor Chris and all the men and women of God who work tirelessly to make this forum a blessing to people of the nations around the world. I am so mightily blessed by this everyday Word of God. Glory to God! May you all be strengthened in your inner man to further the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Would you so kindly check the pictures as they appear to be cut off. The entire face of the individual(s) are not fully visible from my end as experienced since 2 days ago. Thanks much.
Gloryyy!! The shout of the victorious me, I live an upward forward life indeed I am blessed and it can not be reversed. The New Me is a trillion times bigger, greater, higher, stronger in the inside cos Christ in me is my hope of glory. Hallelujah. Thank you @affirmation