Tuesday , March 18 2025
We’re Like Him In His Glorified State




Opening prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips


It’s your Loveworld Specials and with tonight’s program you will be blessed immensely and it will be transformational; you will move to another level.

We will show you a documentary which deals with the food you eat and the drinks you take.

You really need to be cautious. These fruits you take and you aren’t sure where they’re coming from.
Back then, there was excitement about seedless fruits, and it was fun and stressless to eat fruits without having to pick out the seeds. It is not fun anymore. And you have the ones that are many times larger than their natural size: gigantic watermelons, bananas that look like plantains, oranges, and tomatoes that look like human heads. They give the farmers special seeds. The ones that are interesting are the ones that never grow old: they won’t get overripe or spoil. Guess what? Ants and birds don’t even go near them, only humans. You need to be careful!

Cancer is not natural, be not deceived. Cancer isn’t geographic. It’s man-made. It’s coming from the food and drinks you take. Cancer is a multibillion-dollar industry. Then there’s getting drugs and chemotherapy, it’s all big business. Let no one deceive you that it’s a conspiracy theory. The conspiracy theory is positive. They don’t want you to be analytical or use your mind. So they come up with lies that it is some people who are trying to create something that doesn’t exist. They want it to look bad. Remember, in 2020 when they labeled people anti-vaxxers and greeted each other with their elbows? That’s foolishness. One of the things Satan thrives in is making people look stupid and do stupid things. Parading themselves as wise, they became fools.

(Documentary: APEEL, THE KILLER PRESERVATIVE is aired. )

Daniel 11:32 (KJV) There are those who get flattered or corrupt with deception, and these are people who are wicked. Take this seriously. Especially Asian and African nations whose farm produce are being brought from outside your countries. The WTO has joined in this venture of being skewed against humanity. Rice, fruits, carrots. They want to heavily rely on food from outside, and stop planting or producing from your country. Even chicken and turkey are reserved for the zoo. When was the last time you had frozen chicken that comes with all the parts? What you only see is wings, legs, and drumsticks, you never see the vital parts. Exercising caution is highly needed.


During prayer services, it should be about praying and not a seminar on talking about prayer.

Praying in the spirit is the primary way for Christians to pray. This is so important. God wants you to have a productive life. The Christian life is to be productive and fruitful. And the first thing is to pray in an effective way. It’s our communication channel with God. The desire to pray and see real results is in the heart of every Christian.

1 Corinthians 14:14-15 There is a distinguishing difference between praying in the spirit, in a language which the Spirit gives us, and praying in your understanding, which is praying in your mind using a language you understand.

James 5:16 (KJV/ AMPC) The earnest (heartfelt) continued prayer of a righteous man (one who is born again, and whose righteousness is the righteousness of Jesus Christ). When you pray tremendous power is made available to produce results. Many don’t know this, thinking their prayers are not effective or working. Why’s this? Because they aren’t being taught the true word of God. Your prayer makes tremendous power available producing extraordinary results. God’s word teaches us these things.

1. Praying in the spirit will help you subdue the works and forces of evil. And these is the results we have been getting as we pray against the forces of evil around the world. If you pray like this, you will get the same results in your home, your city and all around the world. 2 Corinthians 10:4.

Those people see us as everyday people our strategies, and our response to the things of life aren’t not as theirs. We are engaged in a warfare. Good against evil. Our weapons are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (strongly fortified defensive structures. They could be intellectual, psychological, financial, or cultural) a lot of things that people call culture are actually strongholds and hold them back in serving the Lord. In Christ Jesus, there are no earthly geographical locations. Speaking in tongues has no earthly accent. The Bible says God made all men of one blood. So when you come to Christ, the true word of God frees you from those cultural strongholds that may be in consistent with the word of God. Satan and his demons can destroy anyone from any country. It doesn’t matter where you are from Satan can lead an onslaught. The only to not be subjected to this, you must be born again. That means you are born out of his reach and jurisdiction. When you become a Christian, you are a new creation in Jesus Christ, and out of the reach of Satan. How do nations get controlled by their physical leaders? It’s true the educational system, working on their minds. They can change these theories and curriculums anytime, but the word of God doesn’t change and it is provable.

Strongholds, whether positive or negative, it can be manipulated. Just like the globalists thought they had built their strongholds in different countries through government structures and policies, until we brought them down even now all their strongholds have been shattered and paralyzed; and they will not rise until we are done with this world. We will use everything: power and wisdom, God has given us to make war. We are operating through God (actually through the Holy Ghost ) we bring down those fortresses, even the ones built in the minds of kids.

Through prayer, we are able to do these things. When we look at the Old and New Testament, we find these there: the children of Israel walking around Jericho. and Paul and Silas (who were liberators) singing praises to God in the prison.

We use the word to cast down imagination (stop watching horror movies and you won’t suffer horrible imagination). Bringing down every high thing that sets itself against the knowledge of God (imagine some people having pride month and being so confused about who they are). God has given us the right knowledge and we should not let them be exalted above Christ. Even different schools of thought must be brought under the knowledge of God. We have the weapons to prosecute our course.

Ephesians 6:12- We are up against principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world. We war against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. These are inventors of evil, like those in the documentary we watched, knowing that the products are poisonous, they still use it to cover the fruits that people eat.

Vs 16: With the shield of faith you will be able to neutralize, put out and paralyze the fiery darts of the wicked ones. Our faith always prevails.

“My faith is working in the name of Jesus”. Don’t let the devil tell you that your faith is not working or that you don’t have any faith. When you received the gospel it came with the seed of faith. “He has dealt to every man the measure of faith”, and since then, you’ve had it. It never left you. Your job is to grow, increase, and strengthen your faith. You don’t have zero faith because you’re born again. The faith that you have is powerful enough to neutralize the fiery darts of the wicked one.
You declare “My faith is working and the works of the devil are neutralized”, and then you speak in tongues. Glory be to God.

vs 17: the sword of the spirit is the Rhema of God; The spoken word of God. So you’re armed with God’s word in your mouth. When you speak forth, therefore, you’re wielding God’s word.

2. When we pray, we improve our health: Praying in the spirit improves your health. Romans 8:11 if your body is mortal (death doomed) and the Holy Ghost takes up his abode in the quarters of your body, he will vitalize your previously death-doomed body. Life unto life. Jesus in Luke 9:28 demonstrated the power that is unlocked when we pray. As Jesus prayed the countenance of his appearance was altered by the power of the Holy Ghost. Focus on this inner power at work in us. Acknowledge the works of the spirit, and learn to give yourself over to it, and the more you do this, it becomes easier and consequently, your subconsciously conscious prayer mode. You don’t have to see that power before you know it’s there. The more you supercharge your body with the Holy Ghost, the fewer problems you have with your body. The word is in you, the Holy Ghost stirs the word inside you, do this frequently, and you will be constantly in health.


You may have noticed some irregularities in your body, the more you subject your body to the influence of the Holy Ghost through prayer, the more these irregularities pass out of your body because the Holy Ghost sanctifies your body. The Holy Ghost perambulates your body.

2 Corinthians 4:10 The life of Jesus that you have received should be made manifest in your body, especially in these days where the food regulators and the pharmaceutical industry cannot be trusted. This is God’s plan and purpose for you, that the life of Jesus may be made manifest in my body. Put this to work and all the acne, rashes, and inflammation will die.

In the Old Testament, Exodus 34:29 (KJV, CJB, NIV), Moses’ face was glowing with the glory of God, and the people saw it. An interesting play of words “Moses didn’t know his skin was glowing whilst He talked with him”. Who is the “He” he’s referring to? Moses was praying on the mount and his face glowed just like Jesus’ when he prayed. Talking with God is praying. This happens every time when you pray in the spirit, to different degrees. You can intensify it. The more you pray in the spirit, the more you intensify the glow. It will save you what drugs can’t do. It’ll fix your arteries and blood circulation. Hallelujah!!!

“Back in school, we said we say we’re going to quake, when we want to go and pray” – PCO

You get bored with prayer when you don’t get answers. But when you understand the efficacy of prayer, you will always be excited about prayer. Be a praying Christian. “I would rather pray than preach. You can always preach without praying, but you can pray without preaching. It makes you a fountain.”

3. When you pray in the sprint, you receive supernatural guidance. He leads me beside the still waters…(Psalms 23). Acts 10: 9-10 Peter received supernatural guidance when he prayed.

Acts 9:11 The Lord is telling Ananias that Paul was praying, and he saw him coming to him to lay hands on him. So when we pray you can see the future.

Acts 22:17 The Lord gave Paul guidance here while he was praying in the temple.

If you will pray, God will talk to you. You will have supernatural guidance. Give time to prayer. If you haven’t seen visions before, you pray and you will see visions. The Holy Ghost wants to engage you (manifest himself to you, in you, and through you) through prayer. When we do we cause amazing tremendous power all over the world, and it will continue. We have announced days of fasting, which will be monthly, and this month’s will be from the 25th to the 27th of February.

Now, we will pray in the Holy Ghost.



Watch The Full Video Here👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿

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