#TALKINGSESSION 3RD MAY. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the impartation of eternal life to my spirit. When I received Jesus, I received life in its entirety. I am full of life, and everything I do exudes the incorruptible life. Divine life emits …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 2ND MAY. I affirm that I am living in God’s timing for my life! In all that I do, God has given me the favour-advantage. His favour is at work in me mightily! Everywhere I go today, I am accepted and highly favoured, for I carry God’s divine presence …
#TALKINGSESSION 2ND MAY. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the wonderful privilege of being Your child and the inheritance that’s mine in Christ. You’ve granted me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You; the eyes of my understanding are flooded …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 1ST MAY. I affirm that I’m built up, thriving on my most holy faith, making progress by the supernatural, and rising like an edifice, ever higher and higher, as I pray in the Holy Ghost! I’m never disadvantaged! I am born with the ability to reign and rule over the …
#TALKINGSESSION 1ST MAY. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You, for the special month of May. You’re the One at work in me, both to will and to do of Your good pleasure. The divine life is working in every fibre of my being, every …
#TALKINGSESSION 30TH APRIL. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You, for I am the first and the best of Your creations; I am indestructible and impregnable to the corrupting influences of this world because greater is He that is in me, than he that is …
#TALKINGSESSION 29TH APRIL. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Thanks be unto God who daily loads me with benefits! He’s made all grace—every favour and earthly blessing—come to me in abundance, such that I am always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, self-sufficient—possessing enough to require no aid …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 28TH APRIL. I affirm that the Lord is my light and my salvation. He’s the strength of my life; therefore, I am bold and courageous at all times! In the time of trouble, I am shielded in His pavilion; I dwell under His mighty arm of protection! He’s my …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 27TH APRIL. I affirm that the Word of God is for my advantage, progress, blessings, and promotion. God’s Word has given me a purpose for life; therefore, I am undaunted by challenges, for I am confident in the ability of the Word to produce in me what it talks …
#TALKINGSESSION 27TH APRIL. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for my life is the expression of Your glory, grace, perfection, beauty, and righteousness. The excellence and virtues of divinity are manifested in, and through, me in ever-increasing splendour! I am continually transfigured from glory …
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