#TALKINGSESSION 23RD JUNE. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD Dear Father, I thank You for the work You’ve committed into my hands, in reaching the unreached with the Gospel of Christ. I am unwavering as I put in the best of my resources, time and energy, in the divine task …
#TALKINGSESSION 22ND JUNE. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD Dear Father, I thank You for granting me supernatural abilities, so I can be more effective in the ministry of reconciliation. I rejoice to have the Holy Spirit living in me, granting me increased grace and wisdom to show forth Your …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 21ST JUNE. I affirm that my life is the manifestation of the wisdom and grace of God! I live in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel of Christ. I am joined to the Lord and that makes me impregnable to the rudiments of this world. I am …
#TALKINGSESSION 21ST JUNE. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for receiving my worship, praise and thanksgiving, sanctifying them by Your Spirit. You’re magnified in my life, and Your glory has increased in my life. Thank You for an outstanding first half of the year …
#DAILYMEDITATION There’s A Word For You 👏 The Spirit of the Lord says, “I will build a great nation from you. I will bless you and make your name famous. People will use your name to bless other people. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse …
#TALKINGSESSION 20TH JUNE. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD Dear Father, I thank You for granting me absolute and exact knowledge of Your Word, far removed from assumptions, doubts and uncertainties. I function by the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge in all my endeavours, and the results are evident in …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 19TH JUNE. I affirm that I am the light of the world, and my light shines ever so brightly. I bring peace, harmony, deliverance, and righteousness to men’s lives everywhere, because I am the seed of Jesus Christ, His partner in soul-winning. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, …
#TALKINGSESSION 19TH JUNE. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD Dear Father, I thank You for Your faith that is stirred in my spirit each time I hear Your Word. I also thank You for the wonderful privilege of praying in the Spirit, by which I get myself built up and …
#DAILYMEDITATION There’s A Word For You 👏 The Spirit of the Lord says, “I’ve set you high above all the nations of the earth! And all these blessings are at work in you. Blessed are you in the city, and blessed are you in the field. Blessed are the fruit …
Read More »#TALKINGSESSION 18TH JUNE. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for teaching me the importance of expressing gratitude. I will never neglect to say, “Thank You” for the favours and kindness shown towards me. I thank You for giving me a heart that is thankful, and …
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