#TALKINGSESSION 12TH JANUARY. KINDLY SAY THIS WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for setting up your headquarters in me and making me your centre of operation. You’ve made me a success for life because I love you and keep your Word; I acknowledge your mighty power that’s …
#TALKINGSESSION 11TH JANUARY. KINDLY SAY THIS WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Father, I thank you for the privilege given me to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ, and minister life to those in my world, through the Gospel. Thank you for empowering me for this glorious task, which I am pleased …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 10TH JANUARY. I affirm that my mind is anointed to think right, being the mind of Christ. I think excellent thoughts, and I only see pictures of excellence, success, victory, and abundance. I focus my mind on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous …
#TALKINGSESSION 10TH JANUARY. KINDLY SAY THIS WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Father, I thank you because as Jesus is, so am I in this world. I have overcome the world, sin and the devil because I am born of the Word. My life is the life of God’s Word, and that …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN. I affirm that my faith is built on God’s Word of power, and I am transformed from glory to glory as I live in, and by the Word. I am experiencing unlimited victories and success because I am being piloted by the Spirit, with the Word prevailing mightily in …
#TALKINGSESSION 9TH JANUARY. KINDLY SAY THIS WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Father, I thank you for being my strength and my glory; I am stirred and ready for anything, and competent to excellently accomplish any task in 2019, through your Spirit that infuses inner strength into me! I am sufficient in …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 8TH JANUARY. I affirm that I am the light of the world; I am anointed with the anointing of Jesus Christ. His Word is the light that guides my spirit, helping me to say only those things that are consistent with the Father’s plan, will, and purpose for my …
#TALKINGSESSION 8TH JANUARY. KINDLY SAY THIS WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Father, thank you for the special privilege to be a blessing to my world, a light in a dark world, bringing blessings, illumination, and meaning to the lives of many with the Gospel. My light shines so brightly, causing your …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 7TH JANUARY. I affirm that the Lord is the light of my life, by which I navigate my way excellently through life in victory, dominion, and success. I’ve been granted an excellent spirit that is full of the eternal deposits of God’s goodness, graces, perfections, and beauty. My understanding …
#TALKINGSESSION 7TH JANUARY. KINDLY SAY THIS WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Father, your Word is a light to my path and a lamp to my feet. Therefore, I will never walk in confusion or in the dark side of life. My steps in life are directed and ordered by you, through …
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