I affirm that I am mightily blessed of the Lord. My life is an endless stream of God’s blessings. I am blessed in all areas of my life. I live in, by, and through God’s Word; His Word pilots me and has lifted me above the confusion and the failure that work in this world. I live a life of success, health, prosperity, victory, and glory. The blessing of the Lord in me makes me triumphant. I make progress from glory to glory and from faith to faith. Hallelujah. I am connected to a source that can never run dry. I am joined to the Lord, and I have become one spirit with Him. I am like a well-watered garden, fruitful at all times. I am the fruit-bearing part of God’s vine and I am producing durable fruits; fruits of righteousness because I am a tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord. There’s no failure or defeat on my path! I am a possessor of all things, being an heir of God’s blessings, and a joint-heir with Christ. Glory to God.
This is something to shout about. Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it. Remember, your mouth is the edge of a weapon. Refuse to be quiet 🤐
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