This is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith. Today, I testify that my faith causes me to win always and in every situation, I testify that every mountain before me is made plain and all crooked paths are made straight. I testify that I am super-favored, I testify that I live in superabundance because I am connected to God’s unending supply system. I testify that the love of God is shed abroad in my heart and his love radiates all around me glory to God.
I testify that the incorruptible life of God is at work in me. I testify that my spirit has taken a hold of the word of God and I can not be deceived. I testify that I’m walking in God’s grace and victory! I testify that I’m winning in everything that I do! I testify that I’m excellent all the way! I testify that the grace of God is working mightily in, for, and through me! I testify that the Lord is my Rock and my Strength! I testify that I’m more than a conqueror; greater is He that’s in me, than he that’s in the world! Hallelujah.
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