Thursday , September 19 2024



#TALKINGSESSION 1ST SEPTEMBER. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your grace upon my life, to be a blessing to others, and a dispenser of eternal verities. I am a joint-heir with Christ, and nothing good is withheld from me. I dwell in the …

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#TALKINGSESSION 31ST AUGUST. KINDLY SAY THIS WORDS OUT LOUD Dear Father, I thank You for the life of splendour, grace, prosperity, and greatness You’ve brought me into. I am established in Your righteousness, planted in the house of the Lord; therefore, I flourish like the palm tree, with grace and …

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#TALKINGSESSION 29TH AUGUST. Blessed Lord, I thank You for all that You’ve prepared for me in the coming Month. My spiritual antenna is raised to hear and receive Your instructions, guidance, and wisdom that will propel me in the path of greatness that You’ve ordained for me. Thank You for …

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Affirmation — A Major Part of Christianity (Mid-Week Service Excerpt) Pastor unravels the importance of affirmation for a fruitful Christian life. The congregation at the LoveWorld Conference Center were furnished with the divine truth of God’s word as the man of God shared extensively on the vital aspect and legal …

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