#TALKINGSESSION 19TH FEBRUARY. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of Your Word, and the blessings that I experience for affirming Your Word in consent. I am flourishing in every area of my life, even as I grow in grace and in …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 14TH FEBRUARY. I affirm that the Lord my God is my sufficiency, my refuge, my glory, and my strength; He’s my all. Hallelujah! I refuse to be under the pressure, for the Lord is my salvation, and upon Him, I’ve cast all my cares, living the transcendent life, and …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 13TH FEBRUARY. I affirm that the Lord God is the source of my prosperity! He’s given me all things freely to enjoy. And I am living from a position of rest, knowing that I am a joint-heir with Christ. I am crucified with Christ; it’s no longer I who …
#TALKINGSESSION 13TH FEBRUARY KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for You are the one at work in me both to will and do of Your good pleasure. I am excellent and full of glory; my path is as the shining light that shines brighter …
#TALKINGSESSION 12TH FEBRUARY KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, You’ve have bestowed on me favour and honour! I live a higher life, a life that is beyond this world. I am the blessed of the Lord! I am prosperous and sound, and I lack nothing, for all …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 11TH FEBRUARY. I affirm that I am a king and a priest unto God. I’ve been washed, sanctified, and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of God. As a king, my words are filled with divine energy and as I affirm the Word …
CONSTANTLY AFFIRM HIS WORD ~ PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME. This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men (Titus 3:8 ). The Christian walk …
#TALKINGSESSION 2ND FEBRUARY. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the visions of the great future that You have for me. My heart is flooded with light to see, comprehend, and apprehend my glorious destiny in Christ. I follow the leading of the Holy …
#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 31ST JANUARY. I affirm that life is not a mystery to me, because as I meditate on the Word, the Holy Spirit unveils spiritual realities to me, enlightening the eyes of my understanding to know and apprehend my inheritance in Christ! I am in Christ and Christ is alive …
#TALKINGSESSION 31ST JANUARY. KINDLY SAY THESE WORDS OUT LOUD. Dear Heavenly Father, as the deer pants after the water brooks, so pants my soul after You. You’re my life, my joy, and my satisfaction! In You I am complete! Thank You for Your glory that fills my heart, and Your …
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