I affirm that Christ is the environment in which I live. I dwell in secret place of the Most High, and I am protected from every wind of evil, violence and destruction. My spirit is constantly refreshed and educated by God’s Word to produce excellence, and manifest righteousness everywhere I go. I live each day in the presence of God, where there’s fullness of joy, and I dwell in Christ right hand, where there’s endless pleasure. Hallelujah! The Spirit of God has garnished my life, and my future is bright. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yes, I have a goodly heritage. The light of God’s Word is shining in my heart, and I have the capacity to receive direction, inspiration, counsel and wisdom from the Word and the Holy Spirit. My spirit is cultured and nurtured by the Word; therefore, the perfections, beauty and excellence of divinity are resident in my spirit and evident in all that I do. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
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Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it!! Remember, you can make your way prosperous with words. Get talking today! You can now reach us on:
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God bless you.
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