Sunday , December 22 2024



I affirm that Christ is formed in me, and I am filled with the fullness of the Father! Daily, the glory of God is manifested in and through me, and His wisdom is heard and seen in my words and actions. The Spirit of God is alive in me; therefore, my body and all his ligaments are daily vitalized by the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! I am making progress by reason of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in my life. God’s glory is manifested in all facets of my life, causing me to display the many-sided wisdom and excellence of God in all that I do. Hallelujah. Life is not mysterious unto me because the Holy Spirit teaches me all things. I am full of God’s might! I function by His power and glory today, having the spiritual understanding of all things! I am powered by the Holy Ghost and on a perpetual victory parade, excelling and making progress consistently! I receive unparalleled advantages, unprecedented favour and prosperity, in everything I set my heart to do. Glory to God!

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This is something to shout about. Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it. Remember, your mouth is the edge of a weapon. Refuse to be quiet 🤐 You can now reach us on:

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God bless you.



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