Tuesday , October 22 2024



Arise, my people! Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the glory of the Lord is streaming from you. Darkness as black as night shall cover all the peoples of the earth, but the glory of the Lord will shine from you. All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see the glory of the Lord upon you.

Lift up your eyes and see! For your sons and daughters are coming home to you from distant lands. You will see this and be filled with joy; your hearts will thrill, for merchants from around the world will flow to you, bringing you the wealth of many lands. Great caravans of camels will come, from Midian and Ephah. They will come from Sheba, bringing gold and incense. People will tell the good news of what the Lord has done! All the sheep of Kedar and Nebaioth will be brought to you as sacrifices and offered on the altar to please the Lord. The Lord will make His Temple more glorious than ever.

What are these ships that skim along like clouds, like doves returning home? They are ships coming from distant lands, bringing God’s people home. They bring with them silver and gold to honour the name of the Lord, the holy God of Israel, who has made all nations honour his people.

locate yourself in the world

Great caravan of camels will come, from Midian and foreigners will come and build your cities. Presidents and kings will send you aid… Your gates will stay wide open around the clock to receive the wealth of many lands. The kings of the world will cater to you. For the nations refusing to be your allies will perish; they shall be destroyed. The glory of Lebanon will be yours—the forests of firs, pines, and box trees—to beautify my sanctuary. My Temple will be glorious. The descendants of those who oppressed you will come and bow low to show their respect. All who once despised you will worship at your feet. They will call you ‘The City of the Lord,’ ‘Zion, the City of Israel’s Holy God.’

Though once despised and hated and rebuffed by all, you will be beautiful forever, a joy for all the generations of the world, for I will make you so. Powerful kings and mighty nations shall provide you with the choicest of their goods to satisfy your every need, and you will know… and really understand that I, the Lord, am your Savior and Redeemer, the Mighty One of Israel.

I will exchange your brass for gold, your iron for silver, your wood for brass, your stones for iron. Your rulers will no longer oppress you; I will make them rule with justice and peace! Violence will disappear out of your land—all war will end. Your walls will be “Salvation” and your gates “Praise.” “No longer will the sun be your light by day or the moon be your light by night; I, the Lord, will be your eternal light; the light of my glory will shine on you.


Your days of grief has ended. I, the Lord, am your eternal light, more lasting than the sun and the moon. All your people will be righteous. They will possess the land forever, for I will plant them there with my own hands; this will bring me glory. The smallest family shall multiply into a clan; the tiny group shall be a mighty nation. I, the Lord, will bring it all to pass.

• Somebody shout Glory!!!! Locate yourself in the Word. Remember, He has said it so we can boldly say it. Don’t be quiet 🤐


God Bless You.

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