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Once upon a time, Jesus was sick, his disciples rushed him to the hospital and he was admittedšŸ˜³ Why are you shocked? Your first reaction to my statement is always my first reaction each time I hear that you are sick or admitted in the hospital. Jesus Christ was never sick, He was a master over the elements of this world. In many occasions, He spoke to sickness, disease and infirmity and they all ceased right in front of Him. If Jesus was never sick, how come many Christians are always so sick and broken by diseases and infirmities? The Spirit of God eloquently articulated it in 1 John 4:17 that ā€œas He is, so are we in this worldā€. Reading this portion of the bible makes me wonder if many do close this part of the bible.
I used to be a victim of sickness and disease until the day I entered a Christ Embassy church for the first time in Benin. On that Sunday, the Pastor who was in charge shared a top secret with the brethren, I can still remember him saying, ā€œthe secret has been hidden for agesā€¦and that secret is CHRIST IN YOU.ā€ Wow, CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY! To be sincere, I have never heard anybody preached with so much passion and conviction like this man of God. As I listened, my heartbeat became louder than the heard thunder clap in Benin. While the meeting was still on, I heard the Pastor saying, ā€œif you are here and you have made up your mind to accept sickness in your life, just stand up and leaveā€¦but peradventure you have decided to stay and listen to me, you will definitely find out that sickness and disease will be uncomfortable to stay in your body.ā€ Wow! Nobody ever spoke like this man of God with so much audacity. He was so full of conviction!Ā 
As the meeting went on, he told us a story of how Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead etc., He ended the story by saying Jesus is not planning to heal us because he has already healed us. My eyes were almost coming out of the socket by that statement and then at the end, he taught us how to receive our healing by affirming the Word. Affirming divine health and those provisions that the Father had made available unto us. After the message, I just couldnā€™t go home immediately like I used to do before, now I have found something which was more precious to me. My hunger for more suddenly increased! Guess what? I joined the ushers in arranging the chairs and the sound systems.
On my way back home, I kept confessing divine health and all those things the Father had made available unto me. Just within a few weeks of putting the Word to work, I was completely turned into another man. Since I got a hold of that Revelation, up till today (itā€™s 8 years now), I am neither falling sick nor taking any drugs. Even malaria who used to run around me like King suddenly lost my address. Brothers and sisters, itā€™s important we understand how the devil works, if he can succeed in giving you pimples and you allow it to stay, his next plan is to give you a big boil. If he afflicts you with a wound and you are busy addressing it with drugs, his next plan is to leave you with cancer.Ā 
Today, many Christians have come to accept malaria as a natural way of life. Some will even say as long as malaria will not kill me or as long as I can treat it with same drugs, then itā€™s ok. Some even stay away from church because of sickness. For them, they think it is normal to be sick. Hear me, if you are a child of God, it is absolutely abnormal to be sick. Refuse to be sick! The Spirit of God instructs us to resist the devil, and he will flee. Refuse to see sickness as something that is normal with all the anointing of God in your life. You may be sitting on a hospital bed right now, its time to tell yourself that I can never be confined to this hospital bed again. Itā€™s time to demonstrate the authority that Jesus has given unto the church over your physical body.
I know this might sound so offensive to some religious people who are still held captive by sickness and disease. However, when you come to understand the gospel, you realise that it is wrong to be sick. For me and my family, I will rather be a victor of the elements of this world than becoming a slave to sickness and disease. Christ in me, the hope of a sickness free life. Weā€™ve been given authority to trade upon snake and scorpion. Jesus said we should give no place to the devil. The challenge is this, many are so open and defenceless such that all the demons of sicknesses and diseases in town know their address. For me, I live in Christ, thatā€™s why they canā€™t locate me. Hallelujah! The next time Apollo comes into town, donā€™t be afraid, just resist it. The next time you notice malaria symptom, donā€™t rush to the hospital, rush to the Word of God. The Word of God is sharper than any two edge sword. Thereā€™s a life higher than sickness, disease and pain, that life is hidden in Christ.Ā 
The scripture says, ā€œhe that has the Son, has lifeā€¦ā€ 1 John 5:12. When are you going to live the life that you have received? Before JESUS left this world, he commanded us to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons, and not for us to be sick and afflicted by demons or the elements of this world. Wherever you are, If you are sick or afflicted by the devil as a child of God, itā€™s time to lay your hands on your body and say, ā€œIN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, I AM COMPLETELY SOUND AND PERFECT IN EVERY PART OF MY BEING. MY BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST AND DIVINITY IS AT WORK IN EVERY PART OF ME NOW!ā€ Glory to God.
If youā€™re born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, then youā€™re the Jesus that the world is seeing today, and Jesus is not supposed to be sick.Ā 

To be continuedā€¦
Feel free to make comments about your divine health experience.
This article was cooked by Geoffrey Kuti Haromi and edited for further use by JerryDan.

-Higher Life Strategist-

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