Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Pastor Kay Adesina
I want to welcome you to today’s program. Just thinking through what we just saw. You saw the man when he said, “When we started the fireworks”. He knew they started the fire. I warned you about these things before and their plans for these massive 15-minute cities. These cities are going to be destroyed because they were built on the blood of men. I showed you the future of those cities in the Bible, God’s going to destroy them.
But we have a period between now and when those cities are built. The church age is ongoing. We have divine authority to forbid such things until we are caught up from here.
I’m going to begin discussing some things about the rapture of the church. It’s closer than you may realize: God’s people need to be getting ready. They need to be conscious of the rapture of the church, it will happen soon. The Bible tells us it’s going to happen suddenly. All the things that the scriptures tell us will be in place by then are ready. But we have one job to do..what’s left is for us to preach the gospel to all Nations.
I want to bring some things to your mind. In the 31st night service, I notified you by the spirit that this year, we are going to complete the full preaching of the gospel. I want you to mark that as a major sign while I remind you that nothing like that has been said before. No matter how audacious it’s sounds, just remember you’ve never heard such a thing in your life. You’ve never heard anybody make such a declaration in your life. That in itself, is a sign. No matter how much you doubt it, ask yourself if you have ever heard anybody make such a definite statement about the preaching of the gospel.
In 2020, I was talking to the Lord about many things and He said to me “I will show you a sign in scripture”. I was amazed at what he showed me. Just remember if you are a good student of the Bible, remember that God uses natural, everyday things of life to give us prophetic signs.
We were at a period early in the year of 2020 where the elections in the United States were coming up and everyone believed that when Trump was through with his first term, there would definitely be a second term. There was much faith but there were others who had a different plan. In one of the WEF conferences, George Soros said they would settle the trump matter in November, but they determined that he would not be there. During this period, the Covid thing and so on, there was much to think about and I was looking at what was going to happen to our world. And the Lord said. “I will show you a sign”. I thought I was going to get some great sign of some kind. But he said, “I will show you a sign from the scripture”. What he showed me was “Trump is a sign”. It was something that I was very careful not to go deeply into. And as the year went on, I would look at a number of things. That was where he opened my eyes to understand 1 Corinthians 15: I had never heard it preached or seen it anywhere and I was quite amazed at what he showed me.
1 Corinthians 15:51-52 Literally, giving me these scriptures in their reality. If you read that verse in the Living Bible, it’s easier for you to understand. He pointed out to me that the last Trump there means the second Trump. He said the man himself is a sign
Had he come back with the 2020 election, it would not be second Trump. He would be the 45th president of the United States with two terms. E.g. Ronald Reagan had two terms, George Bush Snr was the 41st president with one term, then Clinton, the 42nd president with two terms, George W. Bush the 43rd president with 2 terms, then Obama, the 44th president and after him came Donald J Trump as 45th President. Had he continued after the first term, he would just be the 45th president with two terms, but he needed to go out and come back in as the 47th President of the United States. That is remarkable! In between was the 46th, Joe Biden
It was on that revelation that I told some people on some fora that Trump would run and he would win (this was before he declared that he would run).
The importance of this revelation:
I told you on the 31st, that the countdown begins now. Throughout the Presidency of Donald Trump, during these days, prepare yourself. If at the end of the presidency, nothing significant like I’m sharing with you happens, you can go on holiday. That will mean you have extra time to play with: but take this seriously that this is a sign. At the last Trump… The “last” there, meant “second”.
He took me through the reading of the scripture from verse 45 down. These were directions from the Holy Ghost. “The first man Adam”… “The last Adam”. The word “last” is from the Greek “eschatos”. It means the last in time or space… the final. You’re not going to get another one after that. The last Adam is the second man (v46-47). Last stands for second. He showed me the quality of expressions in scripture here.
V47-48: first…then second. Earth, then heaven. He shows that what he says here is the second Trump. The trumpet sound was used in gathering God’s people in the Old Testament. What the First sound was for and what the next sound was for… I shared these with you. Now, I went on to show you how there are two trumpet sounds. That’s why he says “at the last trump” which is “at the second sounding of the trump”.
1 Thessalonians 4:16 As we journeyed from 2020-2022, I felt in my heart to see how these things were going to come to pass when the man had not declared… I watched patiently and waited. Sometimes when I preached I said, I was waiting for just one sign… That was the sign.
We had 4 years to wait and then against all odds, including an attempt to kill him (at least 2 that we know), still he became president. After the elections, I waited and didn’t want to say anything until the inauguration. And with the inauguration, as many were excited, I had mixed feelings. I was happy but I was sober because I knew the implication. I knew that around the world, those who were excited didn’t know what this meant.
I just want you to remember that it’s a sign and an important sign. So, Make your life a ready life EVERYDAY. I told you about some things I would share with you in coded language, and these are one of such things that I’m going to be telling you.
V47: The second trump is a sign. I also told you some things about 2025 a couple of years ago. The significance of this year. Even those in the occult in their calculations have noted some significant things in the realm of the spirit for 2025.
I remember when I was sharing with you through some eschatology, and God’s timeline for the earth, I gave you lots of numbers. We have to go back and look through what I shared with you at the time because those things are very very significant and important. You would need to remind yourself of these details and be prepared. God has always ij significant times, sent someone to warn his people. Look through the scriptures, he has always done it. There were always those who heeded the warnings and those who didn’t.
Make sure you are living for the Lord. Make sure you are telling others about him. Warn your friends and family members, and let them know the day of the Lord is approaching fast! It’s not unusual for some to think that these warnings have been given before in the past by different preachers through the years. Well, what if this time, it matters? What are you going to do if you didn’t prepare yourself and it turned out it mattered?
It’s like a discussion two people had. One after talking to the other about Jesus coming again, his colleague laughed and said: “What if he doesn’t ?” The preacher said, “I’ve got nothing to lose. I’ve lived a good and godly life. But what if he does?”
His friend said, “You have a good point”. So, if the rapture takes place, and I believe, then I would be a part of it. If it didn’t happen, then I would have had a godly life. Nothing to lose. But if it happens and you aren’t ready, what are you going to do?
The Bible tells us what follows. A tribulation like this world has never seen from the foundation of the world nor will it ever see after. Think about the worst things that have happened from the beginning of this world to this time. Think of the most troublous times that this world had ever had. Jesus said the world has never seen the like of it. Don’t plan to stay here! Don’t be left behind!
A couple of things for us to observe in the scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:51- “Changed”: Alaso… Means a change in appearance. For example, if you change your appearance but in substance you are not changed. You are not changed in quality of character.
2 Corinthians 3:18 speaks of another change. This one isn’t “Alaso” but “Metarmopho!” It refers to a change in quality. A substantial change in the quality of character. A transmutation. As we behold the glory of God in a mirror we undergo a metamorphosis. When we put on a new body, we are still the same person. 15:52- Last of two… Imagine you ran a race with someone and you were asked your position and you came second and then you were asked how many of you were in the race, and you said you were two, it means you were last.
1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 The archangel shouts for the Lord. Trump of God refers to the fact that it is God’s trumpet not that God is the one that will blow the trumpet. (E.g. Revelation 15:2- “the harps of God”). So this is God’s trumpet. At the first sound of the trumpet, the dead in Christ will rise. 1 Corinthians 15:51 AMPC says we shall all be changed in a moment at the second Trump. A trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable. The same writer, Paul the Apostle, wrote the two books. He focuses on the second trumpet in 1 Corinthians because he was focused on the hope of the living.. In Thessalonians, he was telling them about the hope of the dead. The dead will rise first. Then we will be caught up together with them in the clouds.
If you say you’ve seen the word “Rapture” in the Bible, that’s the meaning of “Caught up”.. means to be snatched! That’s to let you know that we are not going to be rising. No matter where we are, there is a force that’s going to snatch us away. There is another synonym…”Abduct”, but that’s more against your will. So that’s not the best synonym. We will be snatched out of here. It doesn’t matter that you are sleeping or in the basement of a building, or in prison, it doesn’t matter. You’re going to be snatched out of there by the power of the holy ghost. He calls it our Gathering together unto him. We are going to have a meeting in the clouds. We will meet the Lord in the air! What a meeting that will be!
And so shall we ever be with the Lord!!!! What an entourage! Boy! Don’t miss this! The first flight! Don’t wait for the second flight. The Bible tells us about several raptures. Aside from the rapture of Enoch and Elijah, there are 5 raptures. Why they are different is because they are part of what the Bible calls the first resurrection. Which means they are the dead included in this. Enoch didn’t die. Elijah didn’t die. So they are not part of the raptures listed.
The first of them is Christ and the many saints that were resurrected with him (Matthew 27:50-53)
WHEN Christ gave up the ghost, the Bible says the earth began to quake, the rocks began to split and the graves were opened up. He prepared the place for their rapture. They came out of their graves with Jesus and went into the holy city and appeared to many.
1 Corinthians 15:20, 23.
At his coming, that’s the next group. So first rapture is Christ and those who came out of the graves after his resurrection, so they all went to heaven. Ephesians 4:8-10. So what we just read in the 23rd verse of 1 Corinthians chapter 15 says, afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming, that’s the one I was telling you about. They that are Christ’s at his coming, we’re the next. So the first one has taken place, the next one is the one we’re waiting for, we’re next.
Every one of us in Christ, we’re going and if the whole family is born again, dad, mom, brothers and sisters, including the little babies, everybody’s going, no one left behind. Make sure your whole family is born again, my brother, my sister, make sure. I like to focus on that one, this one that really concerns us because he’s coming, make no mistakes about it, he’s coming. It’s going to be sudden. He’s giving us signs, he’s getting our attention on many things. Let us not allow the activities of the world, to pull us away from our dedication to the master. Don’t let anything distract you from your dedication to the master. It’s important that whatever vision you have, whatever plans you have, take into account the coming of the Lord as part of your planning: you better
Luke 21:31-35 KJV I told you about that, I believe it was 2020 and 2021, I’ll try to explain again to you, maybe if we have some time tomorrow. Luke 21:31-35 NIV
So he says, be always on the watch and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.
Luke 21:34-35 TLB Don’t be carried away with the cares of this life. And there are many Christians who only care about this life: I warn you, you have to make a change. Some only care about this life, all their plans are earthly, and all their dreams are earthly. I’m not blaming you, I’m not criticizing you; I’m explaining something to you because many people are that way because that’s the only way they ever learned to plan. Nobody ever taught them to plan spiritually, so they don’t know about spiritual planning.
I mean, if you’ve been in a church where you were never taught these things, or you even went to church, but you’re not really paying attention, so you’re not listening. You didn’t get to hear these things. How else are you going to plan correctly? I mean, you’ve planned your life, you planned your education, you planned your job, your business, your finances, your marriage. You even planned the number of children you’re going to have, like you could keep them alive, you planned all these things.
My question is, where is God’s plan? How did you plan for God? Do you have him in your agenda? Do you have him as part of your plan? Or you think, as some people say, service to humanity is service to God: you’re wrong. The only service to humanity that is service to God is that service to humanity that God instructed you, which means service to humanity in service to God because God told you to do it, led you to do it, guided you to do it, inspired you to do it.
Otherwise, make no mistake about it, service to humanity is not synonymous with service to God. It’s the same, like some people say, the voice of the people is the voice of God: if that were true, Jesus would have not been crucified. The voice of the people is the voice of God, How could that be? The Bible shows you a lot of times the voice of the people is all lies. Think about the voice of the people during the COVID, they were all lying. The voice of the media became the voice of the people, and a whole lot of people were trying to get us to comply.
Don’t go to church, comply. And even in the streets, they were telling Christians, don’t kill us, go and wear your mask put on your mask. They were helping their instructors to carry out their orders. Where are your masks now? I told you it wasn’t going to be for long. There were no signs of it, it was all a deception. And by the Holy Ghost, we have subdued them, and I’m telling you, they will not rise again till we are done.
You say, why did it happen? I told you in 2020 why it happened because the church was playing games, the church lost its way of worship. The churches were turned into party places, not prayer places where God’s word was truly celebrated. No, everything changed. The music in the church became worldly. They danced for themselves and celebrated themselves, not God. How many of those singers were soul winners? They were never soul winners.
They’ll lead praise in the church, and when it’s time for prayer, they’re out. They’ve gone to another church to do another song. They were professionals, making money from the church, charging for their singing, pretending they were singing praise to God…it was all a charade and many of the pastors didn’t know that this was the world coming to the church, and they helped to celebrate them.
I did at the beginning, when I changed, they refused to change with me., I had to let them go because God was getting my attention and telling me, no, this is not the way. So I came back, and I said to them, hey, if anybody celebrated you, I did.
I said, now the Lord is asking us to do the right thing. And I showed from the scripture what was the right thing: and well, they had become too popular, and they were making some money, which wasn’t big money. Do they even know what money is? But the little money they were making was too attractive. Their hearts were overcharged, so they didn’t want to follow me in the direction we were going. They made a detour, and I hope they all repent because I told them the direction they were going was the wrong direction.
And one day, those churches that were inviting them to come and do special singing for them will stop inviting them. Once those churches repent and start doing the right thing, too, they’ll close their doors, because what they’re doing is not from God. I told you what the ministry is supposed to be like for true worship.
So those people parading, going from place to place that they are worship leaders, there’s nothing like that. They’re not worship leaders, that ministry doesn’t exist. The only one who had that role was fired by God, and it was satan. So true praise is in the house of God, not some minister so-and-so traveling from place to place, collecting money from people to be paid, and he says he’s a minister of worship, he is not. Don’t give him money: don’t pay and see what happens. That minister will be retired very quickly.
So let us follow the things of the Spirit as he’s taught us. He told us, watch ye therefore and pray always. True saints of God should be given to prayer, they should love to pray, they should be watchful in the Spirit, they should be soul winners, and they should love the house of God. They should be passionate about the house of God, be attracted to the things of God, and love those who love the Lord. Be spiritually minded. Hallelujah.
Now you have the other raptures, I’ll tell you about them tomorrow.
I’ll tell you about the second flight. I don’t want to prepare you for the second flight. I want you prepared for the first flight, but it’s good that I also tell you because it’s in the word of God, so I have to tell you about it anyway. Second flight and third flight. I’ll show you all those ones and who are those who will be part of the second flight and third flight.
But I’m sure you know the one you would like to be part of. That’s the next big thing in this world, the rapture of the church. And so we are setting up, mobilizing, to take the message of the gospel, the full gospel of Christ to all the world. This year is the year that we preach the full gospel to all nations. We’re going to do it and the spirit of God is with us leading us: helping us with all the strategies. And there are strategies he will not reveal to us: He would just put us, place us. There are strategies of the spirit that he doesn’t leak out: He just gets things going. So some of those things are going to happen, so get yourself ready. At this moment we’re going to pray. I’m going to pray.
The glory of God is working in us. The Holy Spirit is leading us big time. We are victors. Never allow your heart to be confused about anything. You declare I don’t walk in confusion, I walk in wisdom. Remember this is the month of wisdom. Say I don’t walk in confusion, I walk in wisdom. You declare the wisdom of God is working in me.
Prayer Session
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