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A special documentary titled, ‘CLIMATE TERRORISM An Evil Agenda’ Your LoveWorld Specials with Pastor Chris Season 10, Phase 1 {Day 3}

A special documentary titled, ‘THE WAR ON FREE SPEECH PART 1’ Your LoveWorld Specials with Pastor Chris Season 10, Phase 1 {Day 2}


Highly Esteemed Rev. Tom Amenkhienan leads the prayer session at the ongoing Your Loveworld Specials with Pastor Chris, Season 10, Phase 1 Day 2!



Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi

I want to welcome you to today’s program. This is Season 10, Phase 1. We didn’t plan this. It was all God’s orchestration. I’ve got a lot of information for you. It’s important for us to know from God’s word what is expected of us; what actions we should take, in any circumstance.

Some people use the term “we are only just praying”. Their statement suggests a weakness in the prayer. Like it’s not a prayer that gets results..or we are just praying in hope. But the Bible doesn’t merely teach prayer as hope. The prayer itself is because of hope. And when you get into the praying, you’re no longer demonstrating hope. You are actually effecting a change. God never wants us to be in a hopeless situation where we feel like we can’t do anything about it. No! As I study God’s word, and the revelation of the gospel as the spirit of God is communicated to me, Prayer is effective. Prayer is actually doing something about the situation. Sometimes they say “well, all we have it prayer”. If that is all you have, then what you have is more than enough. Jesus was so different from the religious leaders of his day. His disciples asked him “Master teach us to pray”. The Jews prayed all the time. Their life was centred around the temple. So, for a Jew to tell someone “teach us to pray, it was significant. The Jews prayed religiously several times a day. But in Jesus they saw results in prayer. His words had power. Something happened when Jesus prayed. When he talked it seemed like he was talking to someone who was listening to him. And whoever that was, responded. That was amazing to them. In the Epistles, we see that they learned to pray like Jesus. They have also taught us to pray like Jesus.. And now we pray like Jesus and have results.

You can make things happen. You can effect changes.

During the last day of the previous season and phase ,I was sharing something with you. You have to know that you can actually do something about your city, state, country, work, finances. You are not at the mercy of anyone.
None of the powers of this world can dominate you.

I began to tell you about the Giants in the land when Caleb spoke to Joshua who was the leader at the time after the death of Moses. Caleb reminded him that Moses had spoken by God that Hebron would be Caleb’s. After four decades, it was time to take over Hebron but there were Giants in Hebron.. Caleb could have looked for another alternative. But nO, Caleb was different. Remember after they came back from spying the land of Canaan, He and Joshua had a different report because they had a different spirit.

Josh 14:10-12.
He was eighty five when he made this statement. At 85, He was ready to go to war. Some people are 70 and feel they are not as strong as they should be. They are communicating with people who are not spiritual, or with their TV or newspapers. They may even be studying the Bible but with the wrong frame of mind and negative thinking. But Caleb said “I am as strong today as I was forty years ago”. How do you know your bones are strong and haven’t become brittle? Some just believe they are not strong enough because they have been raised, taught and grown up wrong. With the wrong mentality. Caleb knew he was strong because he had the right mentality. He thought as God wanted him to think. He asked for a mountain full of Giants.

This is very important because the Lord is sending us in our day. Think differently as a Child of God. We do have responsibilities.

Many years ago, the leaders, kings of nations, emperor’s, magnified their religious life for a reason. The Egyptian Pharoahs trusted their God’s for the lands fertility. Kings of nations built idols to these gods in their city centres and palaces. They named their cities and palaces by their names.

Israel as a small nation with an invisible God, no idols, prayed and spoke to their God and God sent them messages through his prophets. In the name of that God, they defeated nations that had many God’s. Something about the message of Israel. They come with one invisible but Glorious God. These nations had many God’s but could not defeat them. The only time they defeated Israel was when Israel received their idols . God was merciful to Israel. Through Israel, God brought the man, Christ. And from Jesus Christ and his apostles came Christianity. This gospel of the one true God.
Jesus brought something new that the world didn’t know about.

Deuteronomy 32:8 ESV
As beautiful as the Masoretic text is, in some places it’s faulty. And this is one of such places. But compare with with the exteitxt and the Septuagint so see the difference.

‘According to the number of the sons of God” is correct… Not “according to the children of Israel”. The term refers to angels in the Old testament.

The Lord, when he began to organize men into nations, He appointed them under angelic supervision. The angels were called Watchers.

But Israel, God apportioned to himself and appointed an angel that reported directly to him over them (Michael the archangel). These angels had charge over these various nations. God took care of Israel

V10-17 tells us how Israel turned against God. They began to worship the gods that those nations were worshipping. Those nations angels became a part of the fallens angels that fell in love with the women they were supposed to be taken charge of. This is where Giants came from.

Those angels who left the estate that was prepared for them, have been put in chains awaiting judgement/sentencing.

What about the ones they gave birth to through those women? They gave birth to huge giants who corrupted the nations. Whenever these Giants died, their spirits being neither angels nor humans, kept roaming in the earth. These are demons. Demons are characteristically different from two classes of fallen angels. The second class are those that fell with Lucifer when he went against God. These in hierarchical order rule over men’s lives along with these demons. Those ones have spiritual bodies and generally do not possess humans. But demons have no spiritual bodies. They are naked spirits. (2 Corinthians 5:2-3… Paul alludes to this). When we leave this body, we are cloaked with a celestial body, else we become naked like demons. Remember to every seed, God gave a body. The body is a gift from God. He did not give those demons any body that’s why they always want to enter into somebody or something. Remember Jesus conversation with the mad man at Gadara.. The demons entered into a herd of swine who ran mad and entered the water.

With that understanding, follow this:

In Deuteronomy 32:17
They sacrificed to demons, not God. Those demons were called gods. These were the gods they had. The sun god was a demon. The moon god was a demon. I talked about Zeus in the book of Revelation. He is a demon. The Romans called him Jupiter. These are all evil spirits, not gods. But they are called gods and are worshipped.

When Jesus came, He carried out a ministry that no one had before. He cast out devils. Jesus demonstrated power over evil spirits. The apostles began to do the same. Gradually, the Christians exercised power over the gods. The fear of the idols was gone. The Christians in Caesar’s palace cast out devils. Rome was brought to its knees because the Christians exercised spiritual authority. Before long, there were differences. The schools, institutions, and cities were no longer controlled by these demons. It is in Christianity that the power is. The world changed because Christians exercised dominion over demons as they expanded through the territories. The gospel went with power. That’s what changed the world. Otherwise, the world would have continued, and in all the palaces, there would have been the worship of these gods. But they had been so beaten down. They have been driven away. They are now empty idols.

So, what’s going on? There have been changes over a period of time.

Some Prophetic insights… Job 16:9 – He was referring to God. V10-11 – He was referring to demons, speaking prophetically about Christ. V12-14 – Referring to God.

Job was written years before Psalms. The Psalmist prophesied the same things. Psalm 22:11-20 V12-13 – The bulls of Bashan are demons. V14-15 – A picture of Christ on the cross, hanging on His own weight on those nails. V16 – Dogs (demons) using humans to carry out their work. V17-18, V20 – The feminine word used here is more like an endearment, like “My dear life,” something unique to you—not “my darling.” V21 – Save me from the lion’s mouth.

In the New Testament, Paul alludes to this. The adversary, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

How does He save him from the lion’s mouth? Daniel 6:22, Hebrews 11:32-33.

1 Corinthians 15:32
He fought with beasts at Ephesus because he knew there was a future—the resurrection from the dead. The beast means a venomous deadly beast. In the same way, Jesus encountered these demons. After the sop was given to Judas, Satan entered into him. But did Judas know? He probably didn’t know it was Satan who instigated him, the same way the soldiers who came with staves to arrest Jesus did not. Or like David, who numbered Israel. It was Satan that moved him.

In Ephesus, the demons had moved the city against Paul. But he wrestled them in prayer. He planted a church there and put Timothy as a pastor.

2 Tim 4:16-17 ESV
Paul was delivered from the lion’s mouth. It is this Paul that told us we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Don’t think it’s the humans you see that are the issue; there are evil forces behind them. The only power that defeats them is the name of Jesus Christ. Thanks be unto God, we have that power. We better use it. Use it in your family. Don’t let the devil manifest himself in your family and home. Take charge. Use the name of Jesus. Complain less. It won’t change anything. Pray effective prayers. God likes us to take responsibility for our family, city, state, and nation. You have to do something about the situation. There are many things you can do physically and materially, but you must do the most important of them all. Because if you only do the physical things, they will rig the system against you since it’s their turf. But you can’t rig the name of Jesus. There is no wisdom against the Lord.

In the last several years, God’s people have done a lot. What happened to European nations that sent the gospel around the world? Christianity took over. They spread Christianity all around the world. So how could these same nations change to what they are like now in a few years?

Matthew 12:43-45
Jesus was not just talking about a man. He was talking about a generation and a people. The demons that were driven away were watching and waiting for an opportune time. Gradually, the churches had their buildings but no Spirit. Cathedrals, but no Holy Ghost. This is why the infilling of the Holy Ghost is important in the life of a man. The place cannot be left empty.

1 Corinthians 10:20, Psalm 106:36-37, Acts 14:10-12
Mercurius/Hermes was the spokesman of the gods. Paul was likened to that demon. Acts 28:3-6

We are having many of these evil spirits return to cities because they have found them empty, swept, and garnished.

We are the ones who release the Spirit. Out of us shall flow rivers of living water. Pour forth through words into your city, your nation. Pastors, give time to lead in prayer for your state, city, and nation. Pray for the Spirit of God upon your city. Identify the demons operating in your city and cast them out. You will see there will be changes. Don’t stop. Satan wants us to think we are not effective. But no, it’s working.

Cast out devils—demons that mislead. Remember, David was misled. What policy of government that isn’t right may be taking place in your state or country right now? We are driving these demons away by the power of the Holy Ghost. Take over your Hebron. Some of these giants came back as emperors of companies. They may set up conglomerates that control massive areas of human life for destruction. How you know them is by their actions.

The real culprits behind the war against free speech are not your politicians. There are major companies doing bad and terrible things in the world, and they don’t want the world to know what’s going on. The companies behind your food, water, vaccines—they are the ones using and pressuring your politicians to censor free speech. YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS [SEASON 10, PHASE 1]

It’s time to wake up. Pray the way you should. As we pray, these empires of evil will be brought down. There are people who believe that they control the nations:
WEF, WHO, Gavi. They had the power for some time, but they don’t have power anymore.

1 John 4:1-4
The word of God is very consistent. As long as we are in the world, the antichrist spirit cannot be in dominion. Greater is He that is in us. By the power of the Holy Ghost, we are subduing those spirits. Use what we have. We are producing results.

(Prayer session)

Take Your Place As A KingPriest




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